wood parquet


The sound of the name alone is enough to awaken thoughts of wanderlust and exotic places. This tree is said to have magic powers. It is believed to transfer to its environment the energy it has accumulated over years and years. This exotic deciduous tree grows up to 20 meters in height and its trunk […]


Hickory wood is very hard, stiff, dense and shock resistant. There are woods that are stronger than hickory and woods that are harder, but the combination of strength, toughness, hardness, and stiffness found in hickory wood is not found in any other commercial wood


Birch (Betula alleghaniensis) is straight-grained and even textured. Colors range from creamy beige to reddish brown. Birch changes color moderately, becoming amber tinged. This wood has a hardness rating of 1 260 in the Janka test.


Santos Mahogany is a native tree to the Central America and South America areas. santos mahogany is one of the best lumber for hardwood flooring. The sapwood of the Santos Mahogany is light brown while the heartwood of the santos mahogany hardwood is dark reddish-brown varies to dark purple-brown. With time, the santos mahogany color […]


Maple is particularly species-rich and is prevalent in Europe, Canada and America. It processes well and is highly resistant to wear and tear. On top of that, maple is known as a bright and cheerful type of wood, evoking harmony in the home and reconciling differences – for example, those between male and female inhabitants. […]